Submission Painting


Growing up as an American in Senegal, I valued the richness offered in seeing the world from multiple viewpoints. Painting macro (cloudscapes) or micro views (leaf close-ups) illustrates the viewer's position. Clouds are the subjects of most of my paintings, but since clouds are denser accumulated masses of water vapor, I'm really painting a landscape of air in various densities, defined by atmospheric perspective. The viewer's position may be emphasized with an airplane-window-shaped frame or layers of atmosphere emphasized by cloth. Similarly, looking closely at a leaf, the view becomes increasingly micro, revealing infinite detail. Since the viewer's position creates the image's composition, these views represent infinite realities, where the universe itself creates art.


Growing up as an American in Senegal, I valued the richness offered in seeing the world from multiple viewpoints. Painting macro (cloudscapes) or micro views (leaf close-ups) illustrates the viewer’s position. Clouds are the subjects of most of my paintings, but since clouds are denser accumulated masses of water vapor, I’m really painting a landscape of air in various densities, defined by atmospheric perspective. The viewer’s position may be emphasized with an airplane-window-shaped frame or layers of atmosphere emphasized by cloth. Similarly, looking closely at a leaf, the view becomes increasingly micro, revealing infinite detail. Since the viewer’s position creates the image’s composition, these views represent infinite realities, where the universe itself creates art.