
stupid little walks

These are paintings of Highland Park, Los Angeles, based on photos I took during my “depression walks” in 2020-2023. Each image captures a scene that jolted me out of my rumination and granted a moment of curiosity, humor, or gratitude. The glowing colors behind heavy dark shapes are intended to convey a sense of shimmering possibility, and the potential of the physical environment to transform our emotional landscape. My intention was also to put difficult experiences into a broader historical context- in this case, the "stupid little walks" meme reflects increasing public concern and self-disclosure about mental health & isolation in the age of social media & the pandemic. To that end, the exhibition also prompted visitors to document their own walking reflections in an interactive journal for others to experience.

stupid little walks

These are paintings of Highland Park, Los Angeles, based on photos I took during my “depression walks” in 2020-2023. Each image captures a scene that jolted me out of my rumination and granted a moment of curiosity, humor, or gratitude. The glowing colors behind heavy dark shapes are intended to convey a sense of shimmering possibility, and the potential of the physical environment to transform our emotional landscape. My intention was also to put difficult experiences into a broader historical context- in this case, the “stupid little walks” meme reflects increasing public concern and self-disclosure about mental health & isolation in the age of social media & the pandemic. To that end, the exhibition also prompted visitors to document their own walking reflections in an interactive journal for others to experience.

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