Submission Photography

Rostov Project By Marine Smith

Marine’s series of works «Rostov» is a collection of stories about how nature struggles with civilization, historical contextcontext, and personal memory: one is embedded in another, interrupts and at the same time gives a new layer and something very organic emerges. Images in which nature and urban
motifs occupy a large place, but the person is singularly absent, act as a kind of border, the threshold of life and death. Structures and objects fight, hitting and absorbing each other: branches, like roots, wrap around buildings and coloured spots, trying to absorb them, to survive all the juices of vital energy,
and at the same time there is a reverse reaction, the city absorbs nature.

Rostov Project By Marine Smith

Marine’s series of works «Rostov» is a collection of stories about how nature struggles with civilization, historical contextcontext, and personal memory: one is embedded in another, interrupts and at the same time gives a new layer and something very organic emerges. Images in which nature and urban
motifs occupy a large place, but the person is singularly absent, act as a kind of border, the threshold of life and death. Structures and objects fight, hitting and absorbing each other: branches, like roots, wrap around buildings and coloured spots, trying to absorb them, to survive all the juices of vital energy,
and at the same time there is a reverse reaction, the city absorbs nature.