

The series "LAyered" explores explores cultural intersections that occur throughout Los Angeles, particularly in neighborhoods with strong immigrant traditions, as evidenced by streetscapes (architecture reflecting the neighborhoods’ national heritage), signage (often in the languages of the ethnic national that founded them), printed materials (maps, menus, product wrappers, periodicals), and the people themselves. The title refers to this urban layering as well as my signature technique, in which I make multi-layered compositions combining painted elements assembled via collage and suspended in resin.


The series “LAyered” explores explores cultural intersections that occur throughout Los Angeles, particularly in neighborhoods with strong immigrant traditions, as evidenced by streetscapes (architecture reflecting the neighborhoods’ national heritage), signage (often in the languages of the ethnic national that founded them), printed materials (maps, menus, product wrappers, periodicals), and the people themselves. The title refers to this urban layering as well as my signature technique, in which I make multi-layered compositions combining painted elements assembled via collage and suspended in resin.