Nancy Murphy is an acrylic painter living in Austin, Texas. She attributes her discovery of painting to the “Corona Virus.” Prior to that, she didn't know she was artistic.
A desire to try something new prompted her to sign up for a 2-hour Facebook painting class. A passion was ignited when she discovered a hidden talent she didn't know existed. It's been non-stop since. What started as a time filler turned into a blessing.
She started using a yellow dot in her signature to signify her painting was finished, like a period at the end of a sentence. She loved the way it dressed it up and added a touch of whimsy.
In addition, Nancy is a 3-time published author, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Romance" (Macmillan Publishing), "Desirable Men: How to Find Them" (Prima Publishing), and "Fables of Fairy Good Heart:
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