‚Alex Diamond‘ was initiated as a stand-alone art project by Jörg Heikhaus in 2004. Although it outlived its original intent around 2009/10, it has become Jörg‘s stage name as an artist since.
Essentially being a determined and straightforward storyteller, most of his artwork can be seen as an exploration of contemporary culture and its recurring social recognition patterns, with strong references to popular content and aesthetics.
Jörg has been an exhibiting artist since 1987. He founded the heliumcowboy artspace in 2002 as a unique place to show and experience art. Today he spends most of his time creating his complex woodwork in one of his studios - one he built from vintage wood at heliumcowboy , another one that lies in the remote countryside. He also runs the podcast „heliumTALK“.
Interested in working with Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond? Send an email.