For the last four years I've been learning to skateboard and simultaneously writing a masters thesis about women and non-binary folks in skateboarding. I'm interested in how women use public space differently via skateboarding, and also how they use it differently from male skateboarders, keeping in mind the very different history and relationship we have with public space. Whenever I'm curious about something, my first instinct is to photograph it, and then later to make sense of it through writing. You're Doing it Wrong is a series I've been working on for several years, inspired by how skateboarding allows people to interact with public space in new ways. I try to show through this series the importance of seeing women use public spaces in a way that is visible and loud and joyful and silly.
You’re Doing it Wrong
19.10.18 — Kerria Gray
For the last four years I’ve been learning to skateboard and simultaneously writing a masters thesis about women and non-binary folks in skateboarding. I’m interested in how women use public space differently via skateboarding, and also how they use it differently from male skateboarders, keeping in mind the very different history and relationship we have with public space. Whenever I’m curious about something, my first instinct is to photograph it, and then later to make sense of it through writing. You’re Doing it Wrong is a series I’ve been working on for several years, inspired by how skateboarding allows people to interact with public space in new ways. I try to show through this series the importance of seeing women use public spaces in a way that is visible and loud and joyful and silly.