Creatively fueled by vintage animation, cartoons, and comics, my work aims to create a clumsy yet playful coexistence of contradictory elements. I work in an intuitive approach with mainly acrylic paint, ink, pastels, and colored pencils, to create misfit characters and scenarios that are lusciously off-putting. The work adopts a visual vocabulary that employs mark making and preserved errors reminiscent of childhood, alongside amorphous and bulbous forms that are delicately and meticulously crafted. Walking the line of the alluring and the grotesque, my work is created with a cheerful obsession, hoping to seduce the viewer into a surreal and conflicting world.
Works by Lauren Genovese
30.01.18 — Lolo Gem
Creatively fueled by vintage animation, cartoons, and comics, my work aims to create a clumsy yet playful coexistence of contradictory elements. I work in an intuitive approach with mainly acrylic paint, ink, pastels, and colored pencils, to create misfit characters and scenarios that are lusciously off-putting. The work adopts a visual vocabulary that employs mark making and preserved errors reminiscent of childhood, alongside amorphous and bulbous forms that are delicately and meticulously crafted. Walking the line of the alluring and the grotesque, my work is created with a cheerful obsession, hoping to seduce the viewer into a surreal and conflicting world.
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