Quantum physics supports that there is no single objective reality but there exist many forms of reality dependent on who and how each person measures and conceives them. Therefore, what we call reality is nothing more than an image that we create based on our physiology, with what we are able to, but also choose, to perceive.
Based on this logic, and taking a romantic stance on the issue, we could deduce that each person's brain is creating endlessly. By using the tools one possesses, in other words, one's senses, it combines elements, energies and produces images. Images that one later calls "reality".
What quantum physics supports gives human beings a new perspective. It proves to them that they may and are free to choose how they wish to see the things around them and that they may choose their own reality.


What if

Quantum physics supports that there is no single objective reality but there exist many forms of reality dependent on who and how each person measures and conceives them. Therefore, what we call reality is nothing more than an image that we create based on our physiology, with what we are able to, but also choose, to perceive.
Based on this logic, and taking a romantic stance on the issue, we could deduce that each person’s brain is creating endlessly. By using the tools one possesses, in other words, one’s senses, it combines elements, energies and produces images. Images that one later calls “reality”.
What quantum physics supports gives human beings a new perspective. It proves to them that they may and are free to choose how they wish to see the things around them and that they may choose their own reality.