Submission Painting

Weird Figurative Art by Monty Kane

I struggle with, and my art is concerned with, anxiety and body image. This sounds terribly serious, which is a shame, because I'm a bit of a goofball personally. I think everybody should name their own art movement; mine is tentatively called "Science Fiction Cubism", though something like "Weird Figurative" would probably be more descriptive. I think there's always a whiff of Godzilla movies and Kiss album covers in my art, indelibly carried over from childhood, and it's one of the things I really like about what I do. I think being an artist is like trying to get a wild deer, in the forest, to eat out of your hand: you can sit in the forest all day with a lump of sugar in your hand, but whether the deer shows up is up to the deer.

Weird Figurative Art by Monty Kane

I struggle with, and my art is concerned with, anxiety and body image. This sounds terribly serious, which is a shame, because I’m a bit of a goofball personally. I think everybody should name their own art movement; mine is tentatively called “Science Fiction Cubism”, though something like “Weird Figurative” would probably be more descriptive. I think there’s always a whiff of Godzilla movies and Kiss album covers in my art, indelibly carried over from childhood, and it’s one of the things I really like about what I do. I think being an artist is like trying to get a wild deer, in the forest, to eat out of your hand: you can sit in the forest all day with a lump of sugar in your hand, but whether the deer shows up is up to the deer.