Submission Photography

We Wait for the Rain

Set across Latin America, the series We Wait for the Rain follows people who are searching the soil for things lost or wanted - miners, archaeologists, farmers, families searching for the remains of lost loved ones buried by natural disaster or 'disappeared' by criminal organisations.

Since December 2022 I've been working my way south from Mexico, researching and photographing various topics as part of the project. So far this has included the mines of Simojovel, Mexico, where boys as young as 12 work in dangerous and narrow tunnels to mine amber for the jewellery industry, and an area in Guatemala devastated by the eruption of Volcan de Fuego in 2018, where people still lie buried to this day. I've also spent time living with various groups of farmers and campesinos.

The photos here all form part of this ongoing project.

We Wait for the Rain

Set across Latin America, the series We Wait for the Rain follows people who are searching the soil for things lost or wanted – miners, archaeologists, farmers, families searching for the remains of lost loved ones buried by natural disaster or ‘disappeared’ by criminal organisations.

Since December 2022 I’ve been working my way south from Mexico, researching and photographing various topics as part of the project. So far this has included the mines of Simojovel, Mexico, where boys as young as 12 work in dangerous and narrow tunnels to mine amber for the jewellery industry, and an area in Guatemala devastated by the eruption of Volcan de Fuego in 2018, where people still lie buried to this day. I’ve also spent time living with various groups of farmers and campesinos.

The photos here all form part of this ongoing project.