
Walking in the Edge

"Walking on the Edge" consists of 93 inkjet prints, each derived from individual movie frames and mounted on MDF. This work captures the essence of time passing within a single still image. Beginning from Brian Massumi’s idea that “passage is the field from which positions emerge”, it modestly explores the virtual fields that underpin our experience of a place at a specific time. Through this approach, one can visualize the multitude of dimensions that shape the present—dimensions we can sense but not always express, but which make up the here and now.

Walking in the Edge

“Walking on the Edge” consists of 93 inkjet prints, each derived from individual movie frames and mounted on MDF. This work captures the essence of time passing within a single still image. Beginning from Brian Massumi’s idea that “passage is the field from which positions emerge”, it modestly explores the virtual fields that underpin our experience of a place at a specific time. Through this approach, one can visualize the multitude of dimensions that shape the present—dimensions we can sense but not always express, but which make up the here and now.