Submission Painting

Vibrant Mood Swings

I am fascinated by what lays beneath the surface of the shiny, clean and accepted. The carnival that once was new and bright but is now creaky and run down. The faded elegance of an old tuxedo being worn by one who believes “that is the proper way to dress“. The surgically enhanced body. Happy paint chipping away to reveal a rusted damaged body. Growing up one of my influences was the transparent anatomy pages that when flipped, revealed blood and muscles intense and brilliant.
I take a similar approach in creating my subjects. I want to expose what they are thinking, their urges and how they see themselves. I present them inside out. Who they are becomes how they look and how they interact with each other. And they are all desperate for the goodtimes that will eventually lead to disappointment.

Vibrant Mood Swings

I am fascinated by what lays beneath the surface of the shiny, clean and accepted. The carnival that once was new and bright but is now creaky and run down. The faded elegance of an old tuxedo being worn by one who believes “that is the proper way to dress“. The surgically enhanced body. Happy paint chipping away to reveal a rusted damaged body. Growing up one of my influences was the transparent anatomy pages that when flipped, revealed blood and muscles intense and brilliant.
I take a similar approach in creating my subjects. I want to expose what they are thinking, their urges and how they see themselves. I present them inside out. Who they are becomes how they look and how they interact with each other. And they are all desperate for the goodtimes that will eventually lead to disappointment.