A friend from Missouri said that visiting Branson unlocks deep knowledge about the United States. This series explores the myth-making of Americaness through the lens of God Fearing American family fun in the "Christian Vegas". Branson is deeply seeded in nostalgia for a better bygone nationalist, militarist era of undefined decade which it reproduces as an anachronistic amalgam of glittery expensive decadence through cheap local labor. There's a visible boom in enormous vacant housing alongside remnants of decaying abandoned infrastructure, all in the midst of prime real estate on many of the main drags. This tableau of nostalgia in the Ozarks feels like it has more to say about the future than the past.
Unlocking Deep Knowledge
21.03.23 — justingaar
A friend from Missouri said that visiting Branson unlocks deep knowledge about the United States. This series explores the myth-making of Americaness through the lens of God Fearing American family fun in the “Christian Vegas”. Branson is deeply seeded in nostalgia for a better bygone nationalist, militarist era of undefined decade which it reproduces as an anachronistic amalgam of glittery expensive decadence through cheap local labor. There’s a visible boom in enormous vacant housing alongside remnants of decaying abandoned infrastructure, all in the midst of prime real estate on many of the main drags. This tableau of nostalgia in the Ozarks feels like it has more to say about the future than the past.
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