Submission Drawing

Universes and landscapes

Irene Lopez Leon, original from Barcelona. She describes her work as landscape painting, although they have nothing to do with the classic natural space. Her landscapes are within a hypnotic and impossible universe where it shows other ways of perceiving reality from a deep and mystical conception. It is the representation of a place between the conscious and the unconscious. Uncritical, timeless, holistic, inductive and symbolic that leaves criticism, deduction and temporal logic afar.
Open spaces created through geometric compositions, neon colors and technical perspectives that provoke a slight hypnotic sensation and give movement within the plane.

Universes and landscapes

Irene Lopez Leon, original from Barcelona. She describes her work as landscape painting, although they have nothing to do with the classic natural space. Her landscapes are within a hypnotic and impossible universe where it shows other ways of perceiving reality from a deep and mystical conception. It is the representation of a place between the conscious and the unconscious. Uncritical, timeless, holistic, inductive and symbolic that leaves criticism, deduction and temporal logic afar.
Open spaces created through geometric compositions, neon colors and technical perspectives that provoke a slight hypnotic sensation and give movement within the plane.