Submission Illustration

Unfinished art

Felo Odriozola more known as el ” El felo” is an Uruguayan digital artist and painter who lives and works in Valencia,Spain My distinctive and personal style excels in the use of color configurations and the art of transforming geometric forms into a shape that we can feel represented. I explore the unlimited potentiality of chromatic and tonal scales, visual planes and volume within a two-dimensional framework.

you can see more of my works obviously in mi site .

thanks for your time !

Unfinished art

Felo Odriozola more known as el ” El felo” is an Uruguayan digital artist and painter who lives and works in Valencia,Spain My distinctive and personal style excels in the use of color configurations and the art of transforming geometric forms into a shape that we can feel represented. I explore the unlimited potentiality of chromatic and tonal scales, visual planes and volume within a two-dimensional framework.

you can see more of my works obviously in mi site .


thanks for your time !

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