Submission Photography

Unconscious blue

Unconscious blue

Where is the truth of the universe?
It exists in the universal unconscious, the abyss of the mind.
A universal unconscious that transcends individuals, cultures, and eras.

Humans have been repeating souls for a long time dreaming of reaching this mysterious layer.

In the mythical depth that is common to all people,
there is a memory of beautiful scene when the scale of all things was not centered on the ego, but systematized by the universe.

Cenotes, the entrance to the hades, is called the scared spring of Mexico.
You reminded me of a glimpse of this memory.

When I dive into the transparent blue water of unconsciousness,
cenote dissolve all consciousness and feel like I enveloped in the womb of the earth.

It brings back memories of when we were all one creature, the winged serpent, Lilith.

Unconscious blue

Unconscious blue

Where is the truth of the universe?
It exists in the universal unconscious, the abyss of the mind.
A universal unconscious that transcends individuals, cultures, and eras.

Humans have been repeating souls for a long time dreaming of reaching this mysterious layer.

In the mythical depth that is common to all people,
there is a memory of beautiful scene when the scale of all things was not centered on the ego, but systematized by the universe.

Cenotes, the entrance to the hades, is called the scared spring of Mexico.
You reminded me of a glimpse of this memory.

When I dive into the transparent blue water of unconsciousness,
cenote dissolve all consciousness and feel like I enveloped in the womb of the earth.

It brings back memories of when we were all one creature, the winged serpent, Lilith.