Submission Photography


“No Femmes. No Fats”—Seeing this phrase on gay dating apps as a teen marked my body as unwelcome. As a queer individual with a fat body, this rejection ignited an internal conflict between my body and my queerness.
This series emerged from this struggle, first as self-portraiture—which felt self-destructive due to years of body shaming. However, I began to understand my queerness through absurdity, humor, and play. Finding self-portraits too personal, I shifted to include other queer individuals, emphasizing collaboration and spontaneity within their familiar environments.
My photos exist in a realm of ambiguity, between reality and fantasy, offering fluid reflections of the transitional space of queerness. Spontaneity, collaboration, intimacy, humor, and absurdity all permeate my work, echoing the dynamism of queer existence.


“No Femmes. No Fats”—Seeing this phrase on gay dating apps as a teen marked my body as unwelcome. As a queer individual with a fat body, this rejection ignited an internal conflict between my body and my queerness.
This series emerged from this struggle, first as self-portraiture—which felt self-destructive due to years of body shaming. However, I began to understand my queerness through absurdity, humor, and play. Finding self-portraits too personal, I shifted to include other queer individuals, emphasizing collaboration and spontaneity within their familiar environments.
My photos exist in a realm of ambiguity, between reality and fantasy, offering fluid reflections of the transitional space of queerness. Spontaneity, collaboration, intimacy, humor, and absurdity all permeate my work, echoing the dynamism of queer existence.

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