Submission Illustration

Things to be found

An art instructor once described Rosie as a "decorator", a title which she has fully embraced as she tries to pack her drawings full of small, surprising, fine-lined details inviting viewers to find objects hidden throughout the page.

Rosie lives and works in Toronto, Ontario where she received a BFA in Printmaking from OCAD University. She is largely influenced by Japanese woodblock printing, medical illustration, mythology, lore and I Spy books.

Things to be found

An art instructor once described Rosie as a “decorator”, a title which she has fully embraced as she tries to pack her drawings full of small, surprising, fine-lined details inviting viewers to find objects hidden throughout the page.

Rosie lives and works in Toronto, Ontario where she received a BFA in Printmaking from OCAD University. She is largely influenced by Japanese woodblock printing, medical illustration, mythology, lore and I Spy books.

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