In The World Unravels, Christopher Beitz weaves together imagery taken from various road trips across the United States. At times sparse and familiar, the images act as a sort of bridge between what we think we understand regarding the natural world and the steep overhang of unknowable truths. Initially inspired by childhood fantasy, the work manifests itself as a visual fiction set within the American landscape. A thin line of realism envelopes the pictures, which seek to transcend both reality and truth. Sparked by curiosity and an acute fondness for looking, the use of manipulation is entirely natural to the process of making. Where the imagery isn’t always apparent to the eye, but imagined within the subconscious.

The World Unravels

In The World Unravels, Christopher Beitz weaves together imagery taken from various road trips across the United States. At times sparse and familiar, the images act as a sort of bridge between what we think we understand regarding the natural world and the steep overhang of unknowable truths. Initially inspired by childhood fantasy, the work manifests itself as a visual fiction set within the American landscape. A thin line of realism envelopes the pictures, which seek to transcend both reality and truth. Sparked by curiosity and an acute fondness for looking, the use of manipulation is entirely natural to the process of making. Where the imagery isn’t always apparent to the eye, but imagined within the subconscious.