Submission Painting

The Gatekeepers

Created this year, ‘Gatekeepers’ are a series of paintings that describe my personal journey with the art world and the archetypes I have met along the way. Each figure is a personification of a specific emotion that I’ve had to confront in order to understand the art market- confidence, doubt, vulnerability, fear & humility.

Modern rhetoric tells us that because of technology and the democracy of social media, the Gatekeepers who previously guarded the art world have left their posts. However, from my experience, the Gatekeepers have merely shape-shifted into more cleverly disguised protectors.

The Gatekeepers

Created this year, ‘Gatekeepers’ are a series of paintings that describe my personal journey with the art world and the archetypes I have met along the way. Each figure is a personification of a specific emotion that I’ve had to confront in order to understand the art market- confidence, doubt, vulnerability, fear & humility.

Modern rhetoric tells us that because of technology and the democracy of social media, the Gatekeepers who previously guarded the art world have left their posts. However, from my experience, the Gatekeepers have merely shape-shifted into more cleverly disguised protectors.