
The Devil is in the Detail

Insomnia gives you vivid dreams. Escape and danger. Paradise lived and lost. Counter culture as reality and mirage. Difficult families. Old haunts bought and sold. Glowing achievements and falling from height. Blue skies over concrete. The world as endless pantomime. Decadence in crisis. Memory or fever-dream. Dreams of punk and skydiving. Sunsets as metaphor. Regrets and expectations. A theatre of the absurd. A coney island of the mind.
It's all in there somewhere.

The Devil is in the Detail

Insomnia gives you vivid dreams. Escape and danger. Paradise lived and lost. Counter culture as reality and mirage. Difficult families. Old haunts bought and sold. Glowing achievements and falling from height. Blue skies over concrete. The world as endless pantomime. Decadence in crisis. Memory or fever-dream. Dreams of punk and skydiving. Sunsets as metaphor. Regrets and expectations. A theatre of the absurd. A coney island of the mind.
It’s all in there somewhere.