Submission Drawing

Tell me your dreams, show me your thoughts

I started new series of works where the words are incorporated into the image. I always thought that the title of the work is a big part of the work. In this series I decided to push it further and make the title to create an image itself.

I usually use a black ball pen on paper. Sometimes I add colour pencils to it. I like a ball pen for the reason that it’s easy, I always have it on me and I can just start creating straight away, without any preparition.
Sometime I add colour pencils when I feels that the colour is vital for the work. It really depends on a work and what I am trying to create.

Tell me your dreams, show me your thoughts

I started new series of works where the words are incorporated into the image. I always thought that the title of the work is a big part of the work. In this series I decided to push it further and make the title to create an image itself.

I usually use a black ball pen on paper. Sometimes I add colour pencils to it. I like a ball pen for the reason that it’s easy, I always have it on me and I can just start creating straight away, without any preparition.
Sometime I add colour pencils when I feels that the colour is vital for the work. It really depends on a work and what I am trying to create.