Submission Photography

Techno Spa

Techno Spa is an amalgamation of epiphanies that began during the formation of a planned move to Berlin and which continued for a year after as I continued living in Richmond, Va. The photos were made from 2018-2019 across multiple states, including from a drive I took to visit family in the south. The name is in reference to Liquidrom – a day spa in Berlin, Germany.
The project is an arch of self-development from wandering through my hours in search of a purpose, to achieving a new euphoric enlightenment, then softly landing in a new state of appreciation. The images read from one end to the other in order, with the four images within 3 and 7 each being presented as interluding diptychs.

Techno Spa

Techno Spa is an amalgamation of epiphanies that began during the formation of a planned move to Berlin and which continued for a year after as I continued living in Richmond, Va. The photos were made from 2018-2019 across multiple states, including from a drive I took to visit family in the south. The name is in reference to Liquidrom – a day spa in Berlin, Germany.
The project is an arch of self-development from wandering through my hours in search of a purpose, to achieving a new euphoric enlightenment, then softly landing in a new state of appreciation. The images read from one end to the other in order, with the four images within 3 and 7 each being presented as interluding diptychs.