In my artistic practice, I explore the turbulent narratives of those who have fought and fallen under oppressive regimes, particularly the heroes of the Women's Life Freedom movement in Iran. My work honors these unsung individuals—ordinary people who became extraordinary through their defiance of dictatorship. Using everyday objects such as flower wreaths, traditionally reserved for victorious athletes or returning warriors, I reinterpret these symbols as tributes to those who have fought for freedom. Their stories evoke a mixture of celebration and sorrow, capturing both pride in their bravery and grief for the injustice they endured.
“Tears of Steel: A Hero’s Smile”
01.03.25 — Maryam Amirvaghefi
In my artistic practice, I explore the turbulent narratives of those who have fought and fallen under oppressive regimes, particularly the heroes of the Women’s Life Freedom movement in Iran. My work honors these unsung individuals—ordinary people who became extraordinary through their defiance of dictatorship. Using everyday objects such as flower wreaths, traditionally reserved for victorious athletes or returning warriors, I reinterpret these symbols as tributes to those who have fought for freedom. Their stories evoke a mixture of celebration and sorrow, capturing both pride in their bravery and grief for the injustice they endured.
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