Submission Painting

Tatyana Pshenychny

Tatyana Pshenychny is a self-taught artist who was born in Kiev, Ukraine, and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She creates vibrant, dark, and surreal paintings in watercolor & ink inspired by humans, nature, and human nature. A balance between dark and light, she strives for her work to be a fun escape. And while the paint dries, she makes comedy videos.

View more of her art at her website Instagram: and Twitter:

Tatyana Pshenychny

Tatyana Pshenychny is a self-taught artist who was born in Kiev, Ukraine, and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She creates vibrant, dark, and surreal paintings in watercolor & ink inspired by humans, nature, and human nature. A balance between dark and light, she strives for her work to be a fun escape. And while the paint dries, she makes comedy videos.

View more of her art at her website Instagram: and Twitter: