This hand-cut photo collage is an observation of sunset in the artist's studio. The work is composed of the same flowers photographed repeatedly over one evening. In each work of this evolving series, one photograph is cut and collaged onto a second taken at a different moment - the collaged shapes inspired by the flowers or shadows within. These works were created in the summer and fall of 2020, during a period of relative quiet and solitude. With uncertainties abound, Fiona turned her focus to that which is comforting - flowers from her garden or a nearby shop, and the change of seasons and light in her apartment. These experimental collage works were developed as a slight departure from her usual practice of creating paper cutouts from photographic prints.
Sunset Studies (Peonies)
10.12.20 — fionafreemark
This hand-cut photo collage is an observation of sunset in the artist’s studio. The work is composed of the same flowers photographed repeatedly over one evening. In each work of this evolving series, one photograph is cut and collaged onto a second taken at a different moment – the collaged shapes inspired by the flowers or shadows within. These works were created in the summer and fall of 2020, during a period of relative quiet and solitude. With uncertainties abound, Fiona turned her focus to that which is comforting – flowers from her garden or a nearby shop, and the change of seasons and light in her apartment. These experimental collage works were developed as a slight departure from her usual practice of creating paper cutouts from photographic prints.