I paint. I consider myself a Cubist painter, although my style is anything but. I am interested in the process of painting and the interaction between materials. To paraphrase Willem De Kooning " I don't think painters have good ideas. What was so brilliant about Monet painting a bunch of haystacks? Nothing." Over the years I have become addicted to the scent of oil paints, varnish and turpentine. I paint at night using a Miner's helmet.
Submission Title
03.08.22 — Edward_Pelkey
I paint. I consider myself a Cubist painter, although my style is anything but. I am interested in the process of painting and the interaction between materials. To paraphrase Willem De Kooning ” I don’t think painters have good ideas. What was so brilliant about Monet painting a bunch of haystacks? Nothing.” Over the years I have become addicted to the scent of oil paints, varnish and turpentine. I paint at night using a Miner’s helmet.
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