Submission Photography

Street Captures

Being able to capture unscripted images on the street gives a high similar to riding a roller coaster or jumping out of a plane with a parachute on your back. You are bringing together a million components to create one incredible image. Are my camera settings right? Will this tell the story I envisioned while shooting? The world and the people the exist within it are beautiful. I'm thankful I'm able to capture it, on any level.

Street Captures

Being able to capture unscripted images on the street gives a high similar to riding a roller coaster or jumping out of a plane with a parachute on your back. You are bringing together a million components to create one incredible image. Are my camera settings right? Will this tell the story I envisioned while shooting? The world and the people the exist within it are beautiful. I’m thankful I’m able to capture it, on any level.

Secret Email Club

If you’re not a member of our Secret Email Club you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of stuff that we don’t post on Booooooom!