Submission Painting

Strange Attractors

Spatial structure, emptiness, pattern and form are drawn out of initially chaotic processes, and go through multiple cycles of reconfiguration, often with the surface being reoriented during the process. These overlapping, nearly stable elements settle at a moment between obscurity and form.

This mimics nature at the micro level, where things exist in multiple potential states of creation and decay. The patterns that occur through material interactions, seen best close up, reveal aerial views and miniature landscapes, polarising the imaginary scale against the actual distance from the image and inviting viewers to take a closer look.

Strange Attractors

Spatial structure, emptiness, pattern and form are drawn out of initially chaotic processes, and go through multiple cycles of reconfiguration, often with the surface being reoriented during the process. These overlapping, nearly stable elements settle at a moment between obscurity and form.

This mimics nature at the micro level, where things exist in multiple potential states of creation and decay. The patterns that occur through material interactions, seen best close up, reveal aerial views and miniature landscapes, polarising the imaginary scale against the actual distance from the image and inviting viewers to take a closer look.