Submission "Society6 Sticker Project"

Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!

Generally, I paint either digitally or with gouache, as I like the textures that I can create with those mediums. I draw a lot of inspiration from graphic novelists Craig Thompson, Rebecca Sugar, and Jeremy Sorese --I appreciate how easily and effectively they can tell stories with their drawings and paintings. The concept of liminality fascinates me, and I try and convey that feeling of transient space as best as I can in my illustrations.

Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!

Generally, I paint either digitally or with gouache, as I like the textures that I can create with those mediums. I draw a lot of inspiration from graphic novelists Craig Thompson, Rebecca Sugar, and Jeremy Sorese –I appreciate how easily and effectively they can tell stories with their drawings and paintings. The concept of liminality fascinates me, and I try and convey that feeling of transient space as best as I can in my illustrations.