
Somewhere in the 21st Century

A conversation with some old friends turned philosophical. The subject of time came up a lot. Past, present and future. The past seemed to touch on absent friends who had become insulated from reality. The present concentrated on our collective belief that it was just full of the same old mistakes, but with newer gadgets. The future honed in on our favourite sci-fi. I mentioned that my favourite bit of the film Brazil was the opening titles, which read “somewhere in the 20th Century”. A reminder that our present way of life was just one of an almost infinite number of possible realities. We parted, promising to meet up again soon – after the dental treatments, summer holidays and family responsibilities. We would endeavour to try to change the world again. Somewhere between Coronation Street and Newsnight.

Somewhere in the 21st Century

A conversation with some old friends turned philosophical. The subject of time came up a lot. Past, present and future. The past seemed to touch on absent friends who had become insulated from reality. The present concentrated on our collective belief that it was just full of the same old mistakes, but with newer gadgets. The future honed in on our favourite sci-fi. I mentioned that my favourite bit of the film Brazil was the opening titles, which read “somewhere in the 20th Century”. A reminder that our present way of life was just one of an almost infinite number of possible realities. We parted, promising to meet up again soon – after the dental treatments, summer holidays and family responsibilities. We would endeavour to try to change the world again. Somewhere between Coronation Street and Newsnight.

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