Submission Photography

Soft Stories

Born from a conversation about retreats for “furries” deep in Canada's wilderness, the inspiration for Soft Stories began to form.
Images began to move me... nothing sensational... but something more
A strange paradigm began to reveal itself. one we share rather than one that separates...
Our longing to commune with nature at this time of environmental crisis
our desperate need for intimacy in a technological world.
It became important to create tangible yet anonymous characters.
Ones that resembled animals in our northern landscape...
Ones that were sensual and lush but imperfect, man-made
from artificial plastics, polymers, and acrylics

Soft Stories

Born from a conversation about retreats for “furries” deep in Canada’s wilderness, the inspiration for Soft Stories began to form.
Images began to move me… nothing sensational… but something more
A strange paradigm began to reveal itself. one we share rather than one that separates…
Our longing to commune with nature at this time of environmental crisis
our desperate need for intimacy in a technological world.
It became important to create tangible yet anonymous characters.
Ones that resembled animals in our northern landscape…
Ones that were sensual and lush but imperfect, man-made
from artificial plastics, polymers, and acrylics