
Select embroideries from Terry Boyd’s recent exhibition titled Public Discretion is Advised

Artists Terry Boyd uses embroidery to re-contextualize image stills from late night popular media sources from the 90s - a pre internet porn era. The embroideries pull from HBO's RealSex documentary series and scrambled porn on the Spice and Cinemax channels. Through the use of color, pattern, texture and materials, they transform what some might consider the ugly images of sex into beautiful works that explore and challenge ideas of sexuality.

Select embroideries from Terry Boyd’s recent exhibition titled Public Discretion is Advised

Artists Terry Boyd uses embroidery to re-contextualize image stills from late night popular media sources from the 90s – a pre internet porn era. The embroideries pull from HBO’s RealSex documentary series and scrambled porn on the Spice and Cinemax channels. Through the use of color, pattern, texture and materials, they transform what some might consider the ugly images of sex into beautiful works that explore and challenge ideas of sexuality.

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