Submission Drawing

Seeds from the East: The Korean Adoptee Portrait Project

From 2020-2022 I worked with my community of imported Koreans, sharing our stories, bearing witness to our trauma and survival as trans-racial, intercountry adoptees. Focusing on our 2x3in black and white adoption photos, in some cases the last vestige of our Korean identities, I created life-size graphite portraits on clay board, silhouettes, and prints. The work was exhibited in 2022 at The Philip Jaisohn House, Media, PA, and The Eleanor D. Wilson Museum at Hollins University. This community arts project also included Transracial Adoptee workshops, and panels, and is being piloted as an Art education project in schools. The mission of this project is to provide community and resources for the adoptee community and to center Adoptee's lived experiences in the conversations around transracial and intercountry adoption.

Seeds from the East: The Korean Adoptee Portrait Project

From 2020-2022 I worked with my community of imported Koreans, sharing our stories, bearing witness to our trauma and survival as trans-racial, intercountry adoptees. Focusing on our 2x3in black and white adoption photos, in some cases the last vestige of our Korean identities, I created life-size graphite portraits on clay board, silhouettes, and prints. The work was exhibited in 2022 at The Philip Jaisohn House, Media, PA, and The Eleanor D. Wilson Museum at Hollins University. This community arts project also included Transracial Adoptee workshops, and panels, and is being piloted as an Art education project in schools. The mission of this project is to provide community and resources for the adoptee community and to center Adoptee’s lived experiences in the conversations around transracial and intercountry adoption.