All of these ideas for these stickers kind of just came out of nowhere for me. The bee is my special symbol that I try to include in each of my drawings. I love to draw hair, especially this way, so I thought people might like it as well. I don't really know where the moon came from, it just seemed like a cool idea. And I've always seen those cute tumblr heart hands with the sunset behind them, so I thought it would be cool to recreate them on a drawing.
Sabrina’s Stickers
19.11.17 — Sabrina Bee
All of these ideas for these stickers kind of just came out of nowhere for me. The bee is my special symbol that I try to include in each of my drawings. I love to draw hair, especially this way, so I thought people might like it as well. I don’t really know where the moon came from, it just seemed like a cool idea. And I’ve always seen those cute tumblr heart hands with the sunset behind them, so I thought it would be cool to recreate them on a drawing.
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