i'm a wlw artist in my late-twenties, divorced, currently living in minneapolis, mn with my pre-oedipal cat, in the midst of a spiritual awakening, about to start graduate school for social work. i'm interested in psychoanalysis, the occult, spirituality, inner child work, & vibes, especially healing ones. my art work is intentionally meditative & symbolic. i use it as a tool to process my thoughts, dreams, memories, & to help resolve conflicts within my inner life & between the outside world. i'm interested in dialectics, the push/pull friction at the center of everything. i think a lot about connection, how one requires the other, implies the other, cannot exist without the Other, & yet at the same time is separate from her, the Mother, radically alone. what does this mean for us?
15.05.21 — racheldeleche
i’m a wlw artist in my late-twenties, divorced, currently living in minneapolis, mn with my pre-oedipal cat, in the midst of a spiritual awakening, about to start graduate school for social work. i’m interested in psychoanalysis, the occult, spirituality, inner child work, & vibes, especially healing ones. my art work is intentionally meditative & symbolic. i use it as a tool to process my thoughts, dreams, memories, & to help resolve conflicts within my inner life & between the outside world. i’m interested in dialectics, the push/pull friction at the center of everything. i think a lot about connection, how one requires the other, implies the other, cannot exist without the Other, & yet at the same time is separate from her, the Mother, radically alone. what does this mean for us?