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Pressure of Flow

As a sculptor my my aim is to create work that inspires, energizes and contributes to the greater consciousness between the relationship of art and life. "Pressure of Flow" is my current series that captures the pressure and movement of concrete in a moment in time. My inspiration is fueled by the mediums flow of change, periods of instability and elements of risk. With each piece my goal is to manipulate and present the medium in new unconventional forms.

Pressure of Flow

As a sculptor my my aim is to create work that inspires, energizes and contributes to the greater consciousness between the relationship of art and life. “Pressure of Flow” is my current series that captures the pressure and movement of concrete in a moment in time. My inspiration is fueled by the mediums flow of change, periods of instability and elements of risk. With each piece my goal is to manipulate and present the medium in new unconventional forms.

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