Submission Sculpture


In a forest, a path has been created by those who have walked not only before us but as well, those who will walk on it after us. We as a collective are helping develop it, and shape it. The path itself creates a narrative through the forest that respects its surroundings, leaving nature undisturbed.

This sculpture is a conversation between the space that is occupied and the nature around it, this illustrates how nature has overgrown around the geometric volume that becomes immobil and permanent.

Path is the reminiscence of a world of the past and the knowledge of generations that are there for us to learn and to build upon.


In a forest, a path has been created by those who have walked not only before us but as well, those who will walk on it after us. We as a collective are helping develop it, and shape it. The path itself creates a narrative through the forest that respects its surroundings, leaving nature undisturbed.

This sculpture is a conversation between the space that is occupied and the nature around it, this illustrates how nature has overgrown around the geometric volume that becomes immobil and permanent.

Path is the reminiscence of a world of the past and the knowledge of generations that are there for us to learn and to build upon.