
Past & Future

Looking back, 2023 was a year spent staring into space and the distant future.

A few days into 2024, my husband and I (both originally from Massachusetts) moved from Zürich, Switzerland, to Vienna, Austria. The timing of our move has made this New Year more transformative than any other in recent memory: New city, new titles, new studio.

Caught up in the uncertainty that comes with every move, it’s nice to remember that the stars around our tiny world keep spinning into the future, uninterrupted and unaware of even the biggest moments of our lives.

Past & Future

Looking back, 2023 was a year spent staring into space and the distant future.

A few days into 2024, my husband and I (both originally from Massachusetts) moved from Zürich, Switzerland, to Vienna, Austria. The timing of our move has made this New Year more transformative than any other in recent memory: New city, new titles, new studio.

Caught up in the uncertainty that comes with every move, it’s nice to remember that the stars around our tiny world keep spinning into the future, uninterrupted and unaware of even the biggest moments of our lives.