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Out of the Shell

From September 2017 to April 2019 I lived in Japan. Having experienced firsthand the disadvantages of living in a country where speaking English is not enough for being understood, I started to cultivate an interest in the absurd. An absurdism which led my memories to travel between the real world and a fantasy, between being of a humans’ and not.

The incapacity of communicating with someone else represents not only a focus but also the contour of a conflict between the self and the other. A fight which I translate through dreamlike atmospheres where no one is ever fully human, and no one is ever fully understood.

'Out of the Shell' is the result of that incredible life experience.

Out of the Shell

From September 2017 to April 2019 I lived in Japan. Having experienced firsthand the disadvantages of living in a country where speaking English is not enough for being understood, I started to cultivate an interest in the absurd. An absurdism which led my memories to travel between the real world and a fantasy, between being of a humans’ and not.

The incapacity of communicating with someone else represents not only a focus but also the contour of a conflict between the self and the other. A fight which I translate through dreamlike atmospheres where no one is ever fully human, and no one is ever fully understood.

‘Out of the Shell’ is the result of that incredible life experience.