
Oil paintings and mixed media paintings

Inspired by films and fashion photography, young women and men are the main subjects in his work. Silas creates paintings that tell a story. Stories about beautiful, but lonely beings in quest for perfection and happiness. The composition of his paintings often tend to be cinematographic, in which nature claims a central role. The relation between human and animal, the search for a long lost soulmate and a desolated habitat are recurring subjects in his work.

Oil paintings and mixed media paintings

Inspired by films and fashion photography, young women and men are the main subjects in his work. Silas creates paintings that tell a story. Stories about beautiful, but lonely beings in quest for perfection and happiness. The composition of his paintings often tend to be cinematographic, in which nature claims a central role. The relation between human and animal, the search for a long lost soulmate and a desolated habitat are recurring subjects in his work.