Inspired by books of Murasaki Haruki, this project explores time, death, memory, the function of photography, its presence as a sign, as representation, as constructed consciousness, leading audience to question about the truthfulness of the image and authenticity come with it, as well as the unspeakable subconscious we are dealing with everyday. The definition of photographs shifts in all these representations. Polaroids, Silk screen prints on vellum, Inkjets prints, all different materials and practices together establish a floating space where meanings are constantly generated and regenerated.
Norwegian Wood
11.09.22 — Yan
Inspired by books of Murasaki Haruki, this project explores time, death, memory, the function of photography, its presence as a sign, as representation, as constructed consciousness, leading audience to question about the truthfulness of the image and authenticity come with it, as well as the unspeakable subconscious we are dealing with everyday. The definition of photographs shifts in all these representations. Polaroids, Silk screen prints on vellum, Inkjets prints, all different materials and practices together establish a floating space where meanings are constantly generated and regenerated.
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