My paintings focus on a mysterious, heavily-forested world and its inhabitants. These paintings, while only loosely connected in terms of narrative, are all occurring in the same world, with a framework of visual and thematic motifs involved: reverence for nature, darkness and obfuscation, the use of masks and various obscuring garb, cycles of life and death, structures in differing stages of ruin, dream symbolism, and the space between visible and invisible environments. The time and place depicted in my paintings is intentionally unclear, with a focus on environment that is equal to or greater than that of the figures within these environments.

New works 2018

My paintings focus on a mysterious, heavily-forested world and its inhabitants. These paintings, while only loosely connected in terms of narrative, are all occurring in the same world, with a framework of visual and thematic motifs involved: reverence for nature, darkness and obfuscation, the use of masks and various obscuring garb, cycles of life and death, structures in differing stages of ruin, dream symbolism, and the space between visible and invisible environments. The time and place depicted in my paintings is intentionally unclear, with a focus on environment that is equal to or greater than that of the figures within these environments.