Submission Photography

“My Terra Cognita- Still Lifes in Landscapes”, 2022

“MY TERRA COGNITA, Still Lifes in Landscapes”- SANDRA STARK
Working exclusively in the studio while referencing the Great Outdoors with the backdrops I choose, I construct theatrical still lifes suggesting narratives and mysterious undertakings about Nature. Photography uniquely captures the collision of intentionality and chance. More often employed in street photography, this collision in the studio helps me create destabilizing and enigmatic still lifes.
I am acutely and forever interested in contemporary photography while remaining true to my own personal narrative. I am interested in historical still lifes, painted and photographic, and contemporizing them with humor and theatrical flair.
Photographing is the theatre of my life.

“My Terra Cognita- Still Lifes in Landscapes”, 2022

“MY TERRA COGNITA, Still Lifes in Landscapes”- SANDRA STARK
Working exclusively in the studio while referencing the Great Outdoors with the backdrops I choose, I construct theatrical still lifes suggesting narratives and mysterious undertakings about Nature. Photography uniquely captures the collision of intentionality and chance. More often employed in street photography, this collision in the studio helps me create destabilizing and enigmatic still lifes.
I am acutely and forever interested in contemporary photography while remaining true to my own personal narrative. I am interested in historical still lifes, painted and photographic, and contemporizing them with humor and theatrical flair.
Photographing is the theatre of my life.