Visual Artist TRNZ's art center around his own created universe of characters, Loons, the alien-esque rabbit balloons, and Baby Blue Eyes, the adorable teary-eyed boy with a party hat. Despite working with a specific color palette, he tries to evoke a different personality in each of his work. TRNZ's works jumps from one medium to another. From acrylic paintings, to digital work and playing with various objects. In his recent solo show, he embedded acrylic paintings with a music player and used the headphones as his baloon character's string. TRNZ's show at Vinyl on Vinyl Gallery (Manila) runs through the end of the month.
My Idle Mind
10.10.19 — trnz
Visual Artist TRNZ’s art center around his own created universe of characters, Loons, the alien-esque rabbit balloons, and Baby Blue Eyes, the adorable teary-eyed boy with a party hat. Despite working with a specific color palette, he tries to evoke a different personality in each of his work. TRNZ’s works jumps from one medium to another. From acrylic paintings, to digital work and playing with various objects. In his recent solo show, he embedded acrylic paintings with a music player and used the headphones as his baloon character’s string. TRNZ’s show at Vinyl on Vinyl Gallery (Manila) runs through the end of the month.
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