We like to build high. There must be an element of strength to it- we feel powerful knowing we can vanquish and outwit gravity. Hubris plays its part, to awe our visitors with the pinnacles we construct. But I imagine we layer floors like rungs on a ladder in hopes that we are seen by something beyond our atmosphere. I'm not sure if anyone sits at the top floor of these buildings, but I like to think someone is overlooking as I point my camera to the sky.
16.11.17 — Arun Alejandro Varma
We like to build high. There must be an element of strength to it- we feel powerful knowing we can vanquish and outwit gravity. Hubris plays its part, to awe our visitors with the pinnacles we construct. But I imagine we layer floors like rungs on a ladder in hopes that we are seen by something beyond our atmosphere. I’m not sure if anyone sits at the top floor of these buildings, but I like to think someone is overlooking as I point my camera to the sky.
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