These images capture the dynamic movement of the human form while encompassing movement in their own nature as process-altered photographs. Beginning with photographs that documented a series of yoga flows, the photographs were then digitally altered using a custom-written script in Processing evoking a yogic flow in its own right. Shadowed pixels, metaphorically lower in velocity and entropy, were inverted within this code in order to reveal a sort of hermetic dualism within the photographs in which light and shadow carry equal momentum.
01.07.20 — jasoncontangelo
These images capture the dynamic movement of the human form while encompassing movement in their own nature as process-altered photographs. Beginning with photographs that documented a series of yoga flows, the photographs were then digitally altered using a custom-written script in Processing evoking a yogic flow in its own right. Shadowed pixels, metaphorically lower in velocity and entropy, were inverted within this code in order to reveal a sort of hermetic dualism within the photographs in which light and shadow carry equal momentum.
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