Submission Photography

Mount Ijen

Mount Ijen is one of the three volcanoes I wanted to visit in Indonesia but the days that you can enjoy the views by yourself are long gone. Traveling is cheap these days and more people than ever hop on an airplane to see what the world has to offer. The result? Bus loads of people flood famous attractions and landmarks everywhere in the world.
Ever since I started my journey almost a year ago I noticed that I'm focusing more and more on tourists instead of the views... and it's damn interesting.

Mount Ijen

Mount Ijen is one of the three volcanoes I wanted to visit in Indonesia but the days that you can enjoy the views by yourself are long gone. Traveling is cheap these days and more people than ever hop on an airplane to see what the world has to offer. The result? Bus loads of people flood famous attractions and landmarks everywhere in the world.
Ever since I started my journey almost a year ago I noticed that I’m focusing more and more on tourists instead of the views… and it’s damn interesting.