Submission Sculpture

Modern abstract sculpture

Sculptural materials are not a tool for illustrating ideas. They are active partners in the creative process. They shape the work's form and content, ideas, and possibilities. They also influence our thoughts and perceptions of art. It's no coincidence that we say "food for thought." I have written about how our tools shape us. The same is true of the materials we use and surround ourselves with. Both directly and through their use in creating metaphors and images for our thinking. Urbanization and the shift to stone houses have changed perspective in spatial drawing. Our perspective is built on cubes. Borges talks about a different perspective in one of his stories. The perspective of nomads in the desert who measure and divide space in the time of camel strides. Each material creates a sculpture with a unique voice. From the s

Modern abstract sculpture

Sculptural materials are not a tool for illustrating ideas. They are active partners in the creative process. They shape the work’s form and content, ideas, and possibilities. They also influence our thoughts and perceptions of art. It’s no coincidence that we say “food for thought.” I have written about how our tools shape us. The same is true of the materials we use and surround ourselves with. Both directly and through their use in creating metaphors and images for our thinking. Urbanization and the shift to stone houses have changed perspective in spatial drawing. Our perspective is built on cubes. Borges talks about a different perspective in one of his stories. The perspective of nomads in the desert who measure and divide space in the time of camel strides. Each material creates a sculpture with a unique voice. From the s

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